Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Free Motion Quilting…..trying to learn

Well, I have the day off today and I’m planning on going to Cambridge to pick up my mom and we are off to Arapahoe to visit my sister. I made stew, homemade dinner rolls and brownies to take to them since my sister is home this week with some health issues. I’m sure we’ll have a great time. I’m also taking the Kansas Troubles Log Cabin Quilt I made her. I finished binding it Sunday during the Super Bowl.

I’m ready to try my hand at Free Motion quilting a quilt I made for my mom….Snow Days…’s a lot of embroidery and quilt blocks combined. I blogged about it  a couple of weeks ago and also posted some pix. I’m not sure what I’ll end up doing on it, but I guess I’m ready to try. Now I need to get some Warm and Natural so I can tackle this quilt!

Here are a few pictures of a couple of the ‘throws’ my mom made, that I free motioned quilted for her. I am a beginner at this, and sometimes I can get very frustrated with how things turn out.

The quilts below are done with two   different  types of circles, I can do these okay since there is no rhyme or reason, the size of the circle doesn’t really matter and it’s pretty much ‘anything goes’. Overall, I like how these quilts look when completely done. I just need to keep practicing and hopefully it will get easier and easier!DSC03239DSC03238DSC03244DSC03241

Now it’s on to bigger and fancier stitches! Wish me luck….



  1. Wow! What amazing work! I took the day off yesterday and went to Grand Island to the Material Girl....much to my surprise they were having a HUGE sale....$5.99/yard plus 40% off some kids, 10% off the entire store....I FILLED the trunk up! I have enough material to make pillowcases for all of my cousins oncology patients at Children's was a victorious day.

  2. it sounds like a great sale! I haven't made any of the pillowcases yet, but I've been wanting to. I think they look really neat. So have you been making them for your cousin's patients for a while, or have you just started that project? that sounds like something I would do! Thanks for the comments Deanna!

  3. It was wonderful. I got home with almost 30 yards of fabric....three patterns, four pillow forms, and two kits. The "hotdog" pillowcases are super fun & easy. I have a stack ready for friends & family who are in the hospital. My grandmother used to "wrap" her quilts in them when she gave them to us, reminding us not to store them in plastic boxes. I even made some for Christmas to wrap my nieces and nephews toys in. I just started on the ones for my fabric really helps defray some of the cost...I scored some Riley Blake circus fabric on sale that I can't wait to sew up!

    1. I love the idea of giving quilts in the pillowcases, that is something I'm going to remember and try to do. My grandma would put quilts in pillowcases too, but they were ones she bought not made. I'd love to see the fabric you've bought, nothing makes me happier than touching and looking at fabric!
