Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Vacation is almost over :(

Well, after a week of sewing, and making a short trip to Kansas City… vacation is about to come to a close. I love my job, but I’ve really enjoyed my free time to do whatever I wanted to do this past week.

I’ve started  free motion quilting my daughter’s Retro Flower quilt. So far it’s turning out pretty good. I’ve gotten my Primitive Garden Wool Quilt April BOM almost all embroidered….am just waiting to pick up three more colors of Valdani thread to complete this month’s BOM. So far I’m loving how it looks! I made 20 burp pads….had an order for some of them and my selection left was pretty slim pickings, so I went to work and made as many as I could without buying any more flannel. I even pieced some of them. They look really good. I also need to get a baby blanket done by the end of this week….she wants it in flannel with a minkee backing. I’d like to get most of it done today….we’ll have to see about that. We left our daughter’s in  KC last night and didn’t get home until 1:45 a.m… I’m suffering form some jet lag….I do not do well when I go to bed late. I need my sleep!

While in KC we went to several antique malls and had a great time just looking around. I started seeing lots of old silk ties and I got the bug to make a silk tie quilt. I bought 3 ties to start my collection and by the time I got home last night I had over 20 of them. Erik, my son- in- law, had a bunch of silk ties from his dad and he gave them to me with the idea that he and my daughter would get the quilt when it’s done. I think that is a great idea! My mom also said she had a bunch of them from my dad and uncle I could have….so I have a great start to my silk tie collection. That made me a happy camper!  So I’m putting the word out…anyone with old silk ties they don’t want….they know who to give them to! ME! Still don’t know what I’ll do yet, but I’ve been collecting different pictures on Pinterest.


DSC03440My Primitive Garden Wool Quilt…..Love the colors!

DSC0345520 Burp Pads!

The start of my tie collection…DSC03441

DSC03445DSC03444DSC03443Some of my favorites! This is going to be a fun quilt to think about and to work on….I have found a Blog/website that talks about how to wash the ties and  get them ready to sew….

DSC03436Here is the start of my free motion quilting of Lesley’s rather large quilt. So far….so good!

DSC03456DSC03450I couldn’t find my cat….and then I turned around and he scared me….He’s sleeping on/in the quilt I’ve been working on. He cuddles deep down in the quilt and sometimes you can hardly even see him….Black hair on a white quilt….Uh oh! I’d like to get going on this quilt, but I just hate to disturb Wilber!

Happy Quilting….Kris


  1. i am also working on the Primitive Garden BOM. Did you use the antique spray?? Any hints? Hope you keep posting

    1. Nancy....I didn't use the antique spray...I thought this fabric looked 'anitqued' enough without it. I guess if I had any hints or pointers it would be that the pattern I got was not already reversed so I had to do that before I traced my patterns....or everything would have been on backwards. I talked to a lady who is in a group doing this BOM and she said some of their patterns were already reversed and some weren' you'll just have to check them each month. I've done a lot of fusing and applique, so I knew what to do....if you haven't done much it might be a bit confusing. I hope you understand what I mean! Kris
      p.s. and yes....I plan on posting pics as I go!

    2. Yes, I noticed that it was NOT reversed for block 1. I took mine up to the copy place and did mirror images of block one. It was less than a buck. Worth it for me.Hope to get mine fused in the next day or so.

    3. I just used my light box and laid the pattern on upside worked perfectly!
