Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It’s the busy time of the year!

This time of year is very busy for me…especially with the job I have of delivering packages! I have to really work at not being in the ‘bah hum bug’ kind of mood for the month of December. I work long days in the cold and it’s very stressful. I’m sure I won’t be getting much done in the way of stitching for the next 30 days or so. I need to stop and think about the reason we celebrate Christmas….Jesus Christ was born!

We put the tree up last weekend because we were baby sitting our grandson and we thought that might be something to entertain him. I started putting the ornaments up and he got tired of that in a hurry, I haven’t done another thing to it since then. Hopefully this weekend I’ll get it done.


The many projects I’ve been working on these past few weeks……


This hexie round is made of 1/2” hexies….you can tell by the pins hanging this one up, that the hexies are very small.


I only have to sew on four more hexie flowers and I’ll be ready to start adding my borders and applique. It’s much larger than this pictures shows. These are 1” hexies.



And my 8th BOM in my Primitive Garden wool quilt….this one isn’t done yet, but doesn’t have too much further to go.


This is the new BOM I’m starting this month. It’s made using all solid fabrics…very simple blocks and some applique in the borders….not horribly expensive either. The first BOM came with a plastic tub to store everything in as you go….I thought this was a great idea…Way to go Regina and Jamie from ‘Stitch up a Storm’…..


My latest purchases…..I love Kim Diehl books….love the way she designs. Got everything for 25% off, so I couldn’t resist.


My friend Kelly Kreft from Colorado sent me these fruit fabrics…we are both collecting to make a ‘jar’ quilt….so we’ve been sharing our ‘fruit’ finds….Thanks Kelly! 

Have a wonderful Christmas Season…and please remember why we celebrate…

Happy quilting, Kris


  1. You must tell me more about this 'jar' quilt....sound like a lot of fun to me! I have promised myself I will not do a BOM quilt until I have the kits I already have in my sewing room completed. So far I've done pretty good at sticking to that.

    Did you happen to see the quilt going around online with over 60,000 1/4" hexagons? It made me think of you :) Happy Holidays!

  2. Deanna....just 'google' bug jar quilt and you'll see what I'm going to be doing....only fruit in the jar instead of bugs. I haven't seen the hexie quilt, but I've seen some of them that are in the process made of 1/4" hexies....I think the 1/2" is small, I know I wouldn't have the patience for the 1/4". Happy Holidays to you too!
