Monday, March 2, 2015

Sewing puts me in my Happy Place!

I love to sew…quilt….crochet and all of that good stuff. Going into my sewing room and sitting at my sewing machine puts me in my Happy Place, it puts a big smile on my face and I can forget about everything but what I’m working on. Truly a day doesn’t go by that I don’t sew for at least 30 minutes…usually at least a couple of hours. It really is my therapy!


This is my Prairie Rose BOM that I finally finished…I did more ripping on this quilt than I have on everything else put together in the last two years….If it could go wrong it did! But I prevailed and got it done….now to get it quilted!


Mitered corners and I haven’t always gotten along so well…I’ve been able to do them but with much frustration and confusion. I finally found a tutorial from Riley Blake and she had a guest on that showed what worked best for her…they were cut before they were attached to the quilt. It just all made sense to me and so I tried it with very good results…it’s definitely worth watching.IMG_0105

One more thing to cross off my to-do list…Kyle’s t-shirt quilt is now done and ready to quilt. My mom had started this before she went in the nursing home and when we were cleaning out her house we found it…my sister Val asked me if I would get it done and of course I said yes…So a year later it’s completed! Only took 5 days to do it…but it was the getting started part that was so hard. Mom  only cut out about 5 t-shirts, so I made the whole quilt. It finishes at 86 x 98.IMG_0108

Getting started quilting my Bonnie Hunter ‘Grand Illusion’ Mystery quilt….It’s very big too! This is not a quilt I ever would have done by just seeing it in a book, not really my color choice either, but I love what Bonnie Hunter does and I thought this would be a good year to get started doing her Mystery Quilt and I jumped right in. I changed the outside border up a bit which I like much better….I’m happy with the over all results and will be doing her Mystery Quilt again next year.IMG_0114

All quilted and on a bed….have to add the binding yet…will use the turquoise colored sashing strip for that.


And here is what I did in the border….I’m learning, but I’m finding it just takes lots of practice.


I’m ready for block 5 in this wool quilt from Lisa Bonjean which is a 14 month BOM….fun fun fun!


This is a baby quilt I quilted for my masseuse…she and I are trading,  quilting for massages! I didn’t figure I could go wrong with that! I also sewed the binding on for her.


My 2011 calendar quilt is done now too….just need to bind it! So as you can see I’ve been very busy the past few weeks. I’ve also crocheted around 60 infinity scarves since the first of January…I guess you could call me an over achiever! I love doing hand work…..Which actually is an understatement. 


Happy Quilting!



  1. Wow you have been busy! Love the colors in that Grand Illusion quilt.
    I agree, sewing is my happy place, too! I'm looking forward to getting back to my projects now that my show is over. Happy sewing!

    1. Jen...I see from your blog that you're working on hexies...I've done a hexie quilt and it just needs to be quilted. I've also got another one started using very small hexies....they are fun to do and are very good 'busy' work.
