Monday, June 24, 2013

Quilt Label


The label for my granddaughter’s quilt.

My daughter Lesley, has a blog named, The Purple Carrot and a spin off of that named Purple Carrot Kids, so I thought this was a very appropriate label for the back of the baby quilt I just made for her.

I’ve left a blank spot on the yellow label to fill in when the baby is  born and I know her name.

I’ve had some fun the last couple of days working on the labels for these two baby quilts. I’m trying to make them very personal and for them to mean something to the baby and the parents.

And on another note, my daughter Karmon has started an Etsy shop with her jewelry. She has some very nice things, so please take a look at some of them…KMCbeads

Thanks and Happy Quilting!
